Saturday, August 29, 2015

Writers Need Love Too

Writers need love too.

There are several people who buy something, then review it. It helps companies a lot. What a lot of folks don't think about is writing a review after reading a book. Not only does that effectively reduce sales of the book and interest of other would be readers, but it also can have emotional effects on the author. They may think their book wasn't good enough or that people just didn't like it enough to review it. Often that's not the case. It's simply that readers don't leave reviews.  It can be very discouraging and frustrating. Writers would rather see ordinary or banal reviews than none at all.  So the next time you read a book, GO REVIEW IT! Show an author some love!

Here is a link to the recent short reads I have published. They will be the top 4 on the link. While on free promotion, I gave away over 150 copies...Not one person reviewed. So, please if you get a minute, leave a review :)